Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

Course prerequisites: English (Advanced) or English (Standard) (Band 4) or English as a Second Language (Band 4); plus at least one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE).

Major studies: Occupational therapy.

Practical experience: Students undertake up to 1,000 hours of fieldwork and clinical placements throughout the course.

Honours: A place in the honours program is offered to students based on academic merit. The honours program is integrated across the third and fourth years of the program. Honours is awarded on the basis of successful completion of coursework and preparation of a paper for publication.

Professional recognition: ACU is currently working with Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA) to ensure the B Occupational Therapy meets accreditation standards. Following accreditation, graduates will be eligible for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Read 'Registration Standards for Occupational Therapists' on AHPRA's website at

Graduates are also eligible for membership of OTA.

Career opportunities: Examples include hospitals, community health centres, rehabilitation centres or private practice, mental health centres, work and accident rehabilitation, schools or early intervention centres for children, nursing homes and aged care facilities, government policy units, and consultative services.

Additional information: Occupational therapists promote health and wellbeing through engagement and re-engagement in daily occupations including all those things that people need to, want to or have to do. Students will gain the skills and knowledge to enhance the ability of people with impairments to body structure or function, and who experience physical, emotional or social disability, to adapt to and cope with the demands, tasks and activities of their daily lives.

  • Study areas: Health > Occupational Therapy,
  • Study level: Undergraduate
  • Entry score: high
  • Available campuses: Brisbane and Canberra
  • Availability: International and Domestic
  • Apply now

Course prerequisites: English (Advanced) or English (Standard) (Band 4) or English as a Second Language (Band 4); plus at least one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE).

Major studies: Occupational therapy.

Practical experience: Students undertake up to 1,000 hours of fieldwork and clinical placements throughout the course.

Honours: A place in the honours program is offered to students based on academic merit. The honours program is integrated across the third and fourth years of the program. Honours is awarded on the basis of successful completion of coursework and preparation of a paper for publication.

Professional recognition: ACU is currently working with Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA) to ensure the B Occupational Therapy meets accreditation standards. Following accreditation, graduates will be eligible for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Read 'Registration Standards for Occupational Therapists' on AHPRA's website at

Graduates are also eligible for membership of OTA.

Career opportunities: Examples include hospitals, community health centres, rehabilitation centres or private practice, mental health centres, work and accident rehabilitation, schools or early intervention centres for children, nursing homes and aged care facilities, government policy units, and consultative services.

Additional information: Occupational therapists promote health and wellbeing through engagement and re-engagement in daily occupations including all those things that people need to, want to or have to do. Students will gain the skills and knowledge to enhance the ability of people with impairments to body structure or function, and who experience physical, emotional or social disability, to adapt to and cope with the demands, tasks and activities of their daily lives.

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