Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology)

Course prerequisites: English (Standard).

Major studies: Psychology.

Professional recognition: Associate Membership of the Australian Psychological Society.

Career opportunities: Examples include positions in hospitals, mental health services, clinics and private practice, courts and corrections, performance enhancement, counselling, community, and child and youth work.

Additional information: This program may require students to attend on-campus compulsory residential schools which may include interstate travel, depending on the specialisation and units studied.

Accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council. Conditional registration with the Psychology Board of Australia requires completion of an honours year following this program.

This degree is primarily designed as a conversion program, enabling students to bring course credit from a previous Australian degree in place of electives offered (studying only the 12 core psychology courses, which make up half of the program). Alternatively, students without an existing degree can study the full credit load (24 courses). The core topics provide students with a broad knowledge of psychology (including perspectives from developmental, social, personality, clinical and forensic psychology) and can be used as an entry qualification for a fourth-year honours program.

Students need access to a computer with email, CD-ROM and internet. Residential attendance is required for distance education students in the third year.

  • Study areas: Health; Science > Nursing; Psychology,
  • Study level: Undergraduate
  • Entry score: medium
  • Available campuses: Brisbane and Canberra
  • Availability: International and Domestic
  • Apply now

Course prerequisites: English (Standard).

Major studies: Psychology.

Professional recognition: Associate Membership of the Australian Psychological Society.

Career opportunities: Examples include positions in hospitals, mental health services, clinics and private practice, courts and corrections, performance enhancement, counselling, community, and child and youth work.

Additional information: This program may require students to attend on-campus compulsory residential schools which may include interstate travel, depending on the specialisation and units studied.

Accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council. Conditional registration with the Psychology Board of Australia requires completion of an honours year following this program.

This degree is primarily designed as a conversion program, enabling students to bring course credit from a previous Australian degree in place of electives offered (studying only the 12 core psychology courses, which make up half of the program). Alternatively, students without an existing degree can study the full credit load (24 courses). The core topics provide students with a broad knowledge of psychology (including perspectives from developmental, social, personality, clinical and forensic psychology) and can be used as an entry qualification for a fourth-year honours program.

Students need access to a computer with email, CD-ROM and internet. Residential attendance is required for distance education students in the third year.

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