Bachelor of Creative Arts - Media Arts

This course prepares students for a wide range of roles within the media and cultural sectors. Students study the history, contemporary issues and theory of media and culture while developing advanced technical and conceptual skills in film, video, new media and sound. The professional areas within the degree include film, video, television, multimedia, sound, radio, performance and installation, and the interplay among these media forms.

This course explores the history, contemporary issues, theories and challenges of media and culture in society. Students develop sophisticated production skills in video, sound and new media, and enhance their creative innovation in these areas. Students are encouraged to evolve as a creative director and producer of media projects, as well as develop technical proficiency specifically in one media area. By the time of graduation, students should have a professional portfolio of creative production work.

  • Study areas: Arts > Media,
  • Study level: Undergraduate
  • Entry score: medium
  • Available campuses: Brisbane and Canberra
  • Availability: International and Domestic
  • Apply now

This course prepares students for a wide range of roles within the media and cultural sectors. Students study the history, contemporary issues and theory of media and culture while developing advanced technical and conceptual skills in film, video, new media and sound. The professional areas within the degree include film, video, television, multimedia, sound, radio, performance and installation, and the interplay among these media forms.

This course explores the history, contemporary issues, theories and challenges of media and culture in society. Students develop sophisticated production skills in video, sound and new media, and enhance their creative innovation in these areas. Students are encouraged to evolve as a creative director and producer of media projects, as well as develop technical proficiency specifically in one media area. By the time of graduation, students should have a professional portfolio of creative production work.

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