Master of Landscape Architecture

The Bachelor of Architectural Technology has been designed to provide a connection between traditional architecture (design) and project management (outcomes). This connection can enhance the lifecycle of a project and encompasses areas such as project inception, project planning, design process, contract management and professional practice.


Architecture is a professional discipline that embodies all creative fields concerning the design of our physical environment, whether residential, cultural, commercial or industrial. Deakin's courses in architecture comprise cutting-edge content from the latest research and are designed with a global perspective.

Construction management

Construction management is a professional construction-related discipline that is concerned with the effective procurement of built facilities in the context of time, cost and quality objectives, and the growing imperative for sustainable development. Courses comprise an excellent mix of hands-on practice and theory, and integrated studies in technology and building management.

Urban design

Deakin's postgraduate program in urban design will give you the knowledge and skills to develop innovative, sustainable design solutions for the urban environment. You will learn to think strategically and implement effective change management practice.


Planning is a professional discipline focused on influencing towns, cities and regions by managing development, infrastructure and services. Planners, also known as 'urban planners' or 'town planners' specialise in designing and creating the vibrant places and spaces in which we live, work and play by balancing the built and natural environment with community needs, social equity, cultural significance and economic sustainability.

Landscape architecture

The Master of Landscape Architecture meets the challenges of an ever-changing urban, regional and rural environment. It has been developed for people who want to practise as landscape architects and have a passion to improve the quality and development of our towns, cityscapes and regional landscapes. The course has a focus on sustainability and its economic, social and environmental underpinnings.

  • Study areas: Built Environment and Engineering > Landscape Architecture
  • Study level: Postgraduate
  • Entry score: medium
  • Available campuses: Canberra
  • Availability: Domestic
  • Apply now

The Bachelor of Architectural Technology has been designed to provide a connection between traditional architecture (design) and project management (outcomes). This connection can enhance the lifecycle of a project and encompasses areas such as project inception, project planning, design process, contract management and professional practice.


Architecture is a professional discipline that embodies all creative fields concerning the design of our physical environment, whether residential, cultural, commercial or industrial. Deakin's courses in architecture comprise cutting-edge content from the latest research and are designed with a global perspective.

Construction management

Construction management is a professional construction-related discipline that is concerned with the effective procurement of built facilities in the context of time, cost and quality objectives, and the growing imperative for sustainable development. Courses comprise an excellent mix of hands-on practice and theory, and integrated studies in technology and building management.

Urban design

Deakin's postgraduate program in urban design will give you the knowledge and skills to develop innovative, sustainable design solutions for the urban environment. You will learn to think strategically and implement effective change management practice.


Planning is a professional discipline focused on influencing towns, cities and regions by managing development, infrastructure and services. Planners, also known as 'urban planners' or 'town planners' specialise in designing and creating the vibrant places and spaces in which we live, work and play by balancing the built and natural environment with community needs, social equity, cultural significance and economic sustainability.

Landscape architecture

The Master of Landscape Architecture meets the challenges of an ever-changing urban, regional and rural environment. It has been developed for people who want to practise as landscape architects and have a passion to improve the quality and development of our towns, cityscapes and regional landscapes. The course has a focus on sustainability and its economic, social and environmental underpinnings.

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