Master of Business Administration (International)

Entry requirements
View entry requirements and applications for domestic students

2 years full-time

Fees for 2015
Fees are subject to change annually.

Commonwealth supported place (CSP)
Commonwealth supported place not offered for this course.

Domestic fee per 48 credit points
48 credit points represents a standard full-time course load for a year
$ 30,600 AUD

The Student Services and Amenities Fee applies to some students each calendar year.

Note: Fees for courses offered in Malaysia and South Africa will differ from those shown here.


On-campus at Caulfield: full-time
On-campus at Malaysia: full-time
Note: attendances for courses offered in Malaysia and South Africa will differ from those shown here.

The Monash MBA is one of the world's top MBAs and is highly regarded by organisations and businesses worldwide. The program is specifically developed for emerging professionals with the ambition to move into leadership roles. This sophisticated education experience is designed to develop corporate and community leaders by developing your individual leadership and personal capabilities and by teaching you how to manage, lead and transform organisations in a unique way.

"Moving out of employment and into running my own business, I wanted to be armed with a cross-functional management arsenal and to expand my professional network. I chose the Monash MBA because it allowed me to do both. I have since developed a business with divisions operating across Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Perth." - Tom Quinlan, Director, Quinlan Consulting


During the Monash MBA you will acquire the capabilities required to become a leader who is transformational, global and socially responsible. You will build on your existing management skills and knowledge and gain experience in applying these in a variety of settings, allowing you to experience an immediate impact. And you will do all this while considering how you can make business better.

You will learn to approach business in a holistic way, guided by a professional and ethical framework. Innovative thinking and entrepreneurship will be encouraged and grown, and management theories will be grounded in practical situations.


Leadership and personal development activities complement the academic units and are an integral part of the MBA program. These activities are integrated with each unit of study, and are systematically delivered throughout.


During the final quarter of your MBA studies at Monash, you will participate in an experiential learning component that hones the qualitative and analytical skills covered in the preceding units of the program into practical, real-life activities.


With the Monash MBA you will have the opportunity to learn from the best: from world-class academics and captains of industry. And you will share your learning experience with the best: dedicated and experienced professionals from a range of sectors and backgrounds, challenging you to share knowledge, insights and ideas.

You will attend all your classes with the same group of students, providing you with the opportunity to form an invaluable professional network. All MBA units are exclusive to MBA students and are taught in dedicated state-of-the-art teaching and social learning spaces at our Caulfield campus.

  • Study areas: Business > International Business; Management,
  • Study level: Postgraduate
  • Entry score: high
  • Available campuses: Brisbane and Canberra
  • Availability: International and Domestic
  • Apply now

Entry requirements
View entry requirements and applications for domestic students

2 years full-time

Fees for 2015
Fees are subject to change annually.

Commonwealth supported place (CSP)
Commonwealth supported place not offered for this course.

Domestic fee per 48 credit points
48 credit points represents a standard full-time course load for a year
$ 30,600 AUD

The Student Services and Amenities Fee applies to some students each calendar year.

Note: Fees for courses offered in Malaysia and South Africa will differ from those shown here.


On-campus at Caulfield: full-time
On-campus at Malaysia: full-time
Note: attendances for courses offered in Malaysia and South Africa will differ from those shown here.

The Monash MBA is one of the world's top MBAs and is highly regarded by organisations and businesses worldwide. The program is specifically developed for emerging professionals with the ambition to move into leadership roles. This sophisticated education experience is designed to develop corporate and community leaders by developing your individual leadership and personal capabilities and by teaching you how to manage, lead and transform organisations in a unique way.

"Moving out of employment and into running my own business, I wanted to be armed with a cross-functional management arsenal and to expand my professional network. I chose the Monash MBA because it allowed me to do both. I have since developed a business with divisions operating across Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Perth." - Tom Quinlan, Director, Quinlan Consulting


During the Monash MBA you will acquire the capabilities required to become a leader who is transformational, global and socially responsible. You will build on your existing management skills and knowledge and gain experience in applying these in a variety of settings, allowing you to experience an immediate impact. And you will do all this while considering how you can make business better.

You will learn to approach business in a holistic way, guided by a professional and ethical framework. Innovative thinking and entrepreneurship will be encouraged and grown, and management theories will be grounded in practical situations.


Leadership and personal development activities complement the academic units and are an integral part of the MBA program. These activities are integrated with each unit of study, and are systematically delivered throughout.


During the final quarter of your MBA studies at Monash, you will participate in an experiential learning component that hones the qualitative and analytical skills covered in the preceding units of the program into practical, real-life activities.


With the Monash MBA you will have the opportunity to learn from the best: from world-class academics and captains of industry. And you will share your learning experience with the best: dedicated and experienced professionals from a range of sectors and backgrounds, challenging you to share knowledge, insights and ideas.

You will attend all your classes with the same group of students, providing you with the opportunity to form an invaluable professional network. All MBA units are exclusive to MBA students and are taught in dedicated state-of-the-art teaching and social learning spaces at our Caulfield campus.

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