Master of Education (Special Educational Needs)

The Master of Education (Special Educational Needs) is designed for qualified teachers interested in a pathway for further learning and employment in the area of special educational needs. This course is conducted via Cloud (online) mode and consists of eight credit points taken over one year of full-time study or up to three years of part-time study.

As a graduate of this course you will possess advanced knowledge of contemporary education issues and discourses; have high-level critical and evaluative research skills; and translate your understandings of indidualised, inclusive educational programs into practice. The course takes in to account the implementation of social justice policy and addresses the fundamental philosophy of access and success for people with diverse educational needs.

The Master of Education (Special Educational Needs) is an externally accredited program that meets the requirements of the Department of Education and Training Victoria and the Victorian Institute of Teaching guidelines for special education. The requirements within the two practicum units EEI700 and EEI716 include 15 days of supervised teaching experience, a supervised case study (15 days or equivalent) and 15 days of professional development activities e.g. seminars related to specialist/inclusive education.

Please note that EEI700 and EEI716 may be completed in a specialised area such as vision impairment where supervision would be conducted by a member from the visiting teacher service.

Professional recognition
Endorsed by Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) for meeting the Specialist Area Guidelines for Special Education, for already qualified teachers.

International students and permanent residents

Graduates of this course who are intending to apply for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) will be required to demonstrate an IELTS of an average band score of 7.5 across all four skill areas where there is no score below 7 in any of the four skills areas and a score of no less than 8 in speaking and listening. You are advised to read the VIT's Qualification for Teachers Registration policy carefully which is available at: Further information

Course rules
Note: Continuing students who enrolled prior to 2013 are asked to contact the course director for course rule advice.

To be awarded a Master of Education (Special Educational Needs), students are required to successfully complete 8 credit points of study comprising 4 core, 2 elective and 2 practicum units.

The practicum units can be taken across a range of settings. The requirements for these units comprise 15 days of supervised teaching experience, a supervised research based case study (15 days or equivalent) and 15 days of professional development activities e.g. seminars related to the field of specialist education.

Course structure
Note: Continuing students who enrolled prior to 2013 are asked to contact the course director for course structure advice.

  • Study areas: Education > Special Education Needs,
  • Study level: Postgraduate
  • Entry score: high
  • Available campuses: Brisbane
  • Availability: International and Domestic
  • Apply now

The Master of Education (Special Educational Needs) is designed for qualified teachers interested in a pathway for further learning and employment in the area of special educational needs. This course is conducted via Cloud (online) mode and consists of eight credit points taken over one year of full-time study or up to three years of part-time study.

As a graduate of this course you will possess advanced knowledge of contemporary education issues and discourses; have high-level critical and evaluative research skills; and translate your understandings of indidualised, inclusive educational programs into practice. The course takes in to account the implementation of social justice policy and addresses the fundamental philosophy of access and success for people with diverse educational needs.

The Master of Education (Special Educational Needs) is an externally accredited program that meets the requirements of the Department of Education and Training Victoria and the Victorian Institute of Teaching guidelines for special education. The requirements within the two practicum units EEI700 and EEI716 include 15 days of supervised teaching experience, a supervised case study (15 days or equivalent) and 15 days of professional development activities e.g. seminars related to specialist/inclusive education.

Please note that EEI700 and EEI716 may be completed in a specialised area such as vision impairment where supervision would be conducted by a member from the visiting teacher service.

Professional recognition
Endorsed by Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) for meeting the Specialist Area Guidelines for Special Education, for already qualified teachers.

International students and permanent residents

Graduates of this course who are intending to apply for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) will be required to demonstrate an IELTS of an average band score of 7.5 across all four skill areas where there is no score below 7 in any of the four skills areas and a score of no less than 8 in speaking and listening. You are advised to read the VIT's Qualification for Teachers Registration policy carefully which is available at: Further information

Course rules
Note: Continuing students who enrolled prior to 2013 are asked to contact the course director for course rule advice.

To be awarded a Master of Education (Special Educational Needs), students are required to successfully complete 8 credit points of study comprising 4 core, 2 elective and 2 practicum units.

The practicum units can be taken across a range of settings. The requirements for these units comprise 15 days of supervised teaching experience, a supervised research based case study (15 days or equivalent) and 15 days of professional development activities e.g. seminars related to the field of specialist education.

Course structure
Note: Continuing students who enrolled prior to 2013 are asked to contact the course director for course structure advice.

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