Master of Commerce / Master of Information Systems

The Master of Information Systems (MIS) is a premier professional degree for aspiring and current practitioners and consultants in digital business.

The MIS was designed in consultation with leading IT decision-makers, ensuring that it is among the most industry-relevant graduate IT programs in Australia. The programs covers areas of critical importance to IT employers, such as project and change management, emerging technologies, IT strategy and governance, and compliance, security and service provision. You will develop strong capability in supporting, managing and changing business processes through information and communications technology and information systems. You will also develop valuable transferable skills in solving business problems, collaboration, project management and application of models, frameworks and management theory.

The MIS can be taken as a 12 month (100 point), 18 month (150 point) or a two-year (200 point) full-time program depending on the number of years of work experience and your undergraduate qualification.

  • The 200 point program is for recent graduates from any undergraduate degree.
  • The 150 and 200 point programs are open to graduates of any undergraduate degree.
  • The 150 point program is for those with at least one year of relevant work experience.
  • The 100 point program is restricted to candidates with an Information Systems undergraduate degree and two years of relevant work experience.
Combined Degrees

The MIS/Postgraduate Diploma of Management program combines studying IT Management with Business Administration. The program is offered jointly between the Melbourne Business School and the Melbourne Graduate School of Science and is designed for those with Information Systems undergraduate degrees. Entry into these programs is competitive.

  • Study areas: Business; IT > Commerce,Information Systems,
  • Study level: Postgraduate
  • Entry score: medium
  • Available campuses: Brisbane and Canberra
  • Availability: International and Domestic
  • Apply now

The Master of Information Systems (MIS) is a premier professional degree for aspiring and current practitioners and consultants in digital business.

The MIS was designed in consultation with leading IT decision-makers, ensuring that it is among the most industry-relevant graduate IT programs in Australia. The programs covers areas of critical importance to IT employers, such as project and change management, emerging technologies, IT strategy and governance, and compliance, security and service provision. You will develop strong capability in supporting, managing and changing business processes through information and communications technology and information systems. You will also develop valuable transferable skills in solving business problems, collaboration, project management and application of models, frameworks and management theory.

The MIS can be taken as a 12 month (100 point), 18 month (150 point) or a two-year (200 point) full-time program depending on the number of years of work experience and your undergraduate qualification.

  • The 200 point program is for recent graduates from any undergraduate degree.
  • The 150 and 200 point programs are open to graduates of any undergraduate degree.
  • The 150 point program is for those with at least one year of relevant work experience.
  • The 100 point program is restricted to candidates with an Information Systems undergraduate degree and two years of relevant work experience.
Combined Degrees

The MIS/Postgraduate Diploma of Management program combines studying IT Management with Business Administration. The program is offered jointly between the Melbourne Business School and the Melbourne Graduate School of Science and is designed for those with Information Systems undergraduate degrees. Entry into these programs is competitive.

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