Master of International Business

Applicants must meet one of the following criteria (or possess higher recognised qualifications) to be eligible for entry into the 160 unit Masters degree:

  • 3-year Bachelor degree (equivalent to an AQF Level 7) in a related field of study, OR
  • 3-year Bachelor degree (equivalent to an AQF Level 7) in a non-related field of study + 1 year (Full time equivalent) relevant business experience, OR
  • At least 7 years relevant business experience, including a minimum of 2 years in a management position.

For further guidelines around the related fields of study that will be considered, as well as relevant work experience, refer to the program details page at

For employment to be considered towards your admission for Newcastle University, complete the employment question in your UAC application, giving details of roles performed in current and previous employment. You also need to provide supporting evidence in a Statement of Service. Refer to the sample Statement of Service under the UAC FAQ at The Statement of Service must be mailed or delivered in person to UAC for initial assessment.

To enable Newcastle University to review the documents for admission and/or Recognised Prior Learning, you also need to supply the Statement of Service and any other supporting evidence as one pdf via the UAC Upload facility. For information about uploading documents electronically, visit

Applicants holding eligible qualifications at an AQF Level 8 (eg Bachelor Honours degree, Graduate Diploma) or higher in a related field of study may be eligible for Advanced Standing by Recognition of Prior Learning.

This course is subject to final University approval.

  • Study areas: Business > International Business,
  • Study level: Postgraduate
  • Entry score: medium
  • Available campuses: Canberra
  • Availability: Domestic
  • Apply now

Applicants must meet one of the following criteria (or possess higher recognised qualifications) to be eligible for entry into the 160 unit Masters degree:

  • 3-year Bachelor degree (equivalent to an AQF Level 7) in a related field of study, OR
  • 3-year Bachelor degree (equivalent to an AQF Level 7) in a non-related field of study + 1 year (Full time equivalent) relevant business experience, OR
  • At least 7 years relevant business experience, including a minimum of 2 years in a management position.

For further guidelines around the related fields of study that will be considered, as well as relevant work experience, refer to the program details page at

For employment to be considered towards your admission for Newcastle University, complete the employment question in your UAC application, giving details of roles performed in current and previous employment. You also need to provide supporting evidence in a Statement of Service. Refer to the sample Statement of Service under the UAC FAQ at The Statement of Service must be mailed or delivered in person to UAC for initial assessment.

To enable Newcastle University to review the documents for admission and/or Recognised Prior Learning, you also need to supply the Statement of Service and any other supporting evidence as one pdf via the UAC Upload facility. For information about uploading documents electronically, visit

Applicants holding eligible qualifications at an AQF Level 8 (eg Bachelor Honours degree, Graduate Diploma) or higher in a related field of study may be eligible for Advanced Standing by Recognition of Prior Learning.

This course is subject to final University approval.

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